
Downsized - Cant Find A New Job Make Money While You Look For Your Next Job

Have you recently been downsized?Subsequently, have you learned how hard it is to find a new situation in this slow economy?Current Situation:If so, you have lots of company. Since the recession officially began in December 2007, more than 5.7 million jobs have disappeared. According to the Associated Press, subsequent to the May 8th publication of the April, 2009 unemployment statistics:* 13.7 million people were out of work in April, 2009, and that was the largest figure since 1948* 539,000 jobs were lost in April alone* 8.9% unemployment (the highest since September, 1983), but if workers who've been laid off and just given up or taken part-time work, are included, that figure increases to 15.8% - the biggest since 1994If you've been unemployed for Iphone 4s Sim Tools more than a month, you may be feeling frustrated, mad, depressed, or maybe even a little scared as you watch time pass, with still no job on the horizon. Longer term issues such as figuring out how to send your kids to college or fund your retirement are probably worrying you as well.You have essentially three options right now:1. Panic2. Keep doing what you've been doing (the same things that haven't worked for you), or3. Try something differentOption 1: PanicThe first option, panic, doesn't help, and should be avoided if at all possible. A little fear is an effective motivator; it can help us focus and energize us for the actions that need to be taken. Panic, however, overloads our systems, resulting in fuzzy thinking, confusion, fatigue, and gets us nowhere.Option 2: Continue Doing What You've Been DoingIf your previous actions had been doing well for you, you wouldn't be reading this article right now. If you keep doing the same old things, you can only expect to obtain more of the same.I don't know about you and your industry, but people in my industry - good people - have been out of work for more than six months, unable to find a Nail Sticker comparable job to the one they left; or even, any job at all. After carefully answering help wanted ads and submitting lots of resumes, what results have they realized? Zilch, nada.My acquaintances are not even getting preliminary callbacks - and that's even when they can find jobs that are still open in the first place.Option 3: Try Something DifferentThe third alternative - do something different - seems to be the only feasible answer. But this option is so wide open, how to begin?Why don't you give some thought to starting your own online business.* Let this be the last time that anyone will ever lay you off, or send your job overseas.* Let this be the last time that you have to forfeit quality time with your family by bringing work home, working weekends, or having to travel way more than you want.Become your own boss! Start your own home business!The home-based business industry accounts for approximately $427 billion annually and provides many tax benefits, more control over your time, your work, and your future financial security. Effectively, you'd be applying the Law of Large Numbers to your individual situation, much in the same way as insurance companies apply it to minimize losses resulting from damage to your home, your car, or other personal property. They mitigate their risk by spreading the risk of loss across a huge number of policyholders.If you start an internet business, you could be spreading your recessionary risks across millions of potential customers, multiple geographic regions, and even, several countries. Thus, you would also be increasing the stability of your new revenue streams and increasing the likelihood of ensuring your family's financial security.

